A cloudless plain blue sky is like a flowerless garden

Hey there nature photo fans! My apologizes on not posting for some time now. Things have gotten a little hectic lately, and I need more hours in the day to accomplish everything I need to do. Since my last posting, many days have been filled with beautiful weather. I’ve been out shooting in the sunshine and loving every minute of it. However, today, instead of sharing my own photos, I’d like to share something that one of my professors showed us in class recently. These photos are his own work, which he has titled “The Sound Of Clouds.” The beautiful images you see in this video are taken by Professor John Paulmann. He was traveling home from work one day on his ever-so-scenic route, when he pulled over to notice the beautiful reflection the clouds made on the surface of a local river. The images below are just a couple stills taken out of the video Professor Paulmann put together, and when he allowed our class to view it, I must say I was swept away by how wonderful it was. The surface of the water looked like glass, and the clouds seemed as if they were simply painted on. It almost didn’t look real. Captured by its allure, I asked Professor Paulmann if he would mind if I shared his work with my fellow nature lovers, and he obliged with much excitement. I hope you enjoy his creative eye as much as I have!








It’s too bad today’s weather is looking like thunderstorms and rain instead of blue skies and sunshine. So if you’re feeling a little gloomy due to the weather, check out this website I stumbled across. You can create your own nature sounds composition. Play around with earthy sounds such as wind, waterfalls, crickets, peepers and even add some laughter to recreate your favorite summer nights or days you spent at the beach. I had so much fun checking out this little creation, I even made one of my own called Nature Is Calling . And speaking of nature calling, it’s about time for me to head out and face the elements to get to my next class… until next time, friends!

Posted on March 29, 2012, in Videos and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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